Why didn't my shipment come in one package?
We ship your orders from various international warehouses (US, Canada, Malaysia and Singapore). Our stock is spread out over multiple fulfilment centers in order for them to get to you faster. This means orders containing multiple items may be shipped individually. You may receive one item before the next. So don't panic if you don't receive all of your items at once…they are on the way. Therefore, the partial shipment could be applied to customers’ order.
Where do you ship ?
We provide international shipping. However, due to the security reasons, we can’t deliver a shipment to the military area.
How do you ship?
We ship orders oversea by mail service. After finishing processing your order, we will send it to the shipping company and it will be completely handled by them. After arriving to your country, it will be handled by your country's postal service. So please kindly contact your local post when it arrives at your country.
How long will my order take to be delivered?
The shipping time will depend on your exact location. However, it usually takes only 10-15 business days for shipping to the US and 15-20 business days for international shipping.
How can I track my order?
We will send you the tracking code of your orders to the email that you filled down when placing your orders. This email will also guide you how to track your package. Please note that the tracking information will be displayed 2-5 days after you receiving that email.
When will my tracking information appear?
You should see tracking events within 48-72 hours after you have received the tracking number/ID. The reason for this time lag is that in most cases the first tracking event only shows up once the shipment was handed over to us, i.e. once the shipment has left the fulfillment centre of your online shop.
How can I pay for my order?
We offer safe shopping and accept payment via Paypal, Credit card, Debit card or VISA. So you can choose the most suitable one for you. All products are listed in US Dollar, our system will automatically exchange your currency to make it easy for you when placing order.